It is an accepted fact that teachers are usually not born just made. Practiced teachers nurture their knowledge and skills through abiding and deliberate efforts. One of the prerequisite to be good instructor is to understand the educational activity learning procedure in more than depth. This facilitates better appreciation of the teaching profession besides equally the procedure of imparting education. This paper is intended to give an insight into the concept of teaching and learning for teachers who intend to excel in their teaching career.

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Dr. A. H. Sequeira

National Institute of Technology Karnataka,

Surathkal, India


Information technology is an accepted fact that teachers are usually not built-in but made. Skilful teachers nurture

their knowledge and skills through constant and deliberate efforts. One of the pre-

requisite to exist skillful instructor is to sympathize the education learning process in more depth.

This facilitates meliorate appreciation of the teaching profession too as the process of

imparting education. This paper is intended to requite an insight into the concept of teaching

and learning for teachers who intend to excel in their teaching career.


'As teachers we tend to recall that education is all almost teachers and our function; in fact the

most of import aspects of the educational process are the students and what they 50earn.'

This leads u.s. to consider what we mean by 'learning'. As you read the educational

literature and, more specifically, educational psychology, you detect many differences in

theories and definitions.

Concept of Learning

Learning is almost a change: thursdaydue east change brought about by developing a new skill,

agreement a scientific police force, irresolute an attitude. The change is not merely incidental

or natural in the way that our advent changes as we get older. Learning is a

relatively permanent change, usually brought about intentionally. When nosotros nourish a

form, search through a book, or read a discussion paper, we set out to learn!

Other learning can take place without planning, for instance by experience. Mostly

with all learning there is an chemical element within u.s.a. of wishing to retrieve and understand

why something happens and to exercise it better side by side time.

Principal Learning Theories

The Behaviorists - (behaviorism: Stimulus – Response)

The Neo-Behaviorists (Neo-behaviorism: Human Mind)

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The Gestaltists (Insight)

The Cognitivists (Cerebral development: Learning to remember)

The Humanists (Active nature of Learner)

Learning Models:

We are often faced with questions such every bit : Why use models? How to teach? How

educatee Learn? Answer comes from experience of many people over many years in form

of Yardodels. Such Models can exist used by any instructor depending on context. Instance:

Pedagogical Vs Andragogical Models. Pedagogical approach teacher dominated learning

situation - Students rather passive. Andragogical approach - emphasis on what the learner

is doing - how adults acquire.

Adult Expectations (Learning Needs):

Some of the mutual developed expectations are :

Adults wait to be taught.

Adult students expect to have to work hard.

Adult student expectation is that the work is related to the vocation.

Developed pupil's expectation is that they expect to exist treated as adults.

Each of these iv expectations although stated in full general terms needs to be interpreted equally

individual needs. Students may vary in age, sex, background, etc. If students treated as

individuals - observe out more about them (inside - exterior classroom), the greater likelihood

to rebelatedly their learning to their needs and improve learning potential. Kindness, empathy

and sincerity always reap rich dividends with adult learner.

Experience, Reflection, Learning Model to Optimize Learning


exi stin g and /or pr ovide d

as part o f the lear ning



usu ally south kills and

knowledge and

var ying stude nt to


Reflectiodue north

gu ided by thursday e tea cher , usua lly

ser ving to co nsoli date, inter pret,

de velop con cepts and theo ries,

per ceive attit udes and valu es,


Preparator y for more

Providing thou aterial for


ne ed fo r

Source: Ian Reece and Stephen Walker

In ane981, Farther Education Unit (FEU), United kingdom documented a suggested model of lesson

blueprint to assistance overcome the bug associated with the 2nd and more readily


applied of the approaches. This Experience, Reflection, Learning Model, they suggested,

embodied the principles that:

(i) the procedure should exist focused on the pupil'due south electric current experience,

(two) it recognizes the adult nature of the learner by according responsibility for

what is learned, and how, and

(iii) the learning tin can take place in a variety of contexts.

The proposition was that the learning process should be considered in iii phases; first,

the student'due south experience needs to be followed by, secondly, some organized reflection.

This reflection ensures that the student learns from the experience and as well helps, thirdly,

to identify any need for some specific learning earlier further feel is acquired.

Concept of Teaching:

Education is a fix of events, outside the learners which are designed to back up internal

procedure of learning. Teaching (Instruction) is outside the learner. Learning is internal to

learners. You cannot motivate others if y'all are non self-motivated. Motives are not seen,

just, Behaviors are seen. Is learning a motive or beliefs? Learning is both a motive and

behavior but only behavior is seen, learning is internal, operation is external.

Role of the Teacher:

Generally ,the role of teacher can be categorized into:

Traditional Role - Teacher Centered

Mod Role - Facilitator (Student Centered)

At that place has been a change from the Traditional role to the Modern role in the present

context. The learning increases when the teacher builds on the previous experience of the

pupil. However, individual'southward learning differs and each individual learns at his or her

ain pace. Identifying the slow learners and individual attending of the instructor may be

required. Thus, effective learning is to a corking extent based on experiences. Directly

experiences are student centered and participation in problem solving. While in indirect

experience, the contents are carefully designed and organized by instructor.

Basic Education Model:

Objectives are intended learning outcomes written downwardly before the procedure of instruction.

General Objectives - Due southtatement of instructional intent - student power in general terms.

Specific objective statement of instructional intent- student ability in terms of specific &

observable. Usefulness of objectives, Elements of objectives, Concluding behavior

Condition, and Criterion / Criteria.

Writers tend to separate learning into iii master groups or domains. These are the

psychomotor, cognitive and melancholia domains. Those skills, which are concerned with


physical dexterity, for case changing a wheel and giving an injection, fall into the

psychomotor domain. Both of the tasks exercise need thousandnowledge only, predominantly they are

concrete skills, which need practice. Knowledge and knowing the 'how' and the 'why',

the thinking skills, fall into the cognitive domain. Examples include 'stating the names of

the major bonesouthward in the torso', 'explaining westhy nosotros have tides'. Both of these require

thought processes to be accomplished.

The third domain, and 1 we often neglect, is the affective domain. This is concerned

with attitudes. Examples in this domain include 'the need to eat a good for you, balanced nutrition',

'the need for equality of opportunity for all', and 'politeness'. These deal with feelings

and emotions and are different from the examples in the other domains.

Melancholia Learning occurs when these three practicemains are seen equally interdependent. Each of

these domains should be developed as part of teaching/ learning session. Teachers should

exist able to define learning objectives in each of them.

Learning in these iii practisemains often needs unlike instruction and learning approaches.

They are often considered in isolation but in exercise learning may occur simultaneously

in all 3.

Evaluation and Feedback

Source: Ian Reece and Stephen Walker

Traditional versus Modern role

Traditionally the role of the instructor has been as a purveyor of information: the teacher

was the fount of all knowledge. This suggests a motion-picture show of students sitting in rows in

front end of the teacher who is talking and passing information to students with the assistance of a

blackboard, while the students either mind passively or, if the teacher is lucky, take their

own notes.

This, of course, isouthward not true any more. The modern instructor is a facilitator: a person who

assists students to learn for themselves. Instead of having students sitting in rows, they

are likely to exist in groups, all doing something different; some doing practical tasks, some

writing, some non even in the room but in another function of the building using specialist

equipment or loomale monarch up something in the library. All of the students might nosotrosll be at

different stages in their learning and in consequence, the learning is individualized to suit

individual requirements and abilities.

This change from the traditional model is the effect of a due northumber of factors. Beginning, it is

recognized that adults, unlike small children, take a nosotrosalth of eastxperience and are able to

Objectives Entry




plan their learning quite efficiently. Second, not all individuals learn in the same manner,

so tlid if a teacher talks to students some might benefit, but others might non. Third,

anybody learns at their own pace and not, of necessity, at the pace set by the teacher.

Hence, the individualizing of learning has divers advantages.

Enquiry into the ways that people learn has non provided teachers with any specific

answers. If it had, all teachers would be using the aforementioned techniques. However,

researchers have identified that learning is generally more constructive if it is based on

experiences; either direct experiences or experiences that have been read about. Of theastward

2 types of experiences, the former is more likely to be effective than the latter. Thus

concepts that are able to exist practiced or seen are more probable to exist learning. To apply this

in a practical situation in post-16 eastwardducation and training, learning is more likely to be

constructive when information technology is related to, and conducted in, the knowledge of a student's (work)


We need, at this stage, to consider how we as teachers might best provide the experiences

so every bit to make the learning as easy and quick as possible. We might consider two possible

approaches to the design of a education plan.

(i) A programme where the content is carefully derived from an analysis of the

educatee's persona50, social and/or vocational needs and which is implemented by

y'all in such a controlled and organized style that the student is almost certain to

larn, and is aware when the learning hevery bit taken place. By this method motivation

is generated by immediate success and the avoidance of failure.

Unfortunately this rarely takes place because it has a fundamental drawback. Apart from

the requirement for the students to place themselves in the hands of the teacher and thus

tend to develop a relationship of dependency, it confirms to them that learning is a

process which is organized by someone who knows improve. It does not assistance students to

learn on their ain.

(ii) The other approach starts from the feel of the student, due eastxperience that has

taken place equally part of fiftyife or which has been organized as function of the programme.

It then depends upon the due southtudent identifying and accepting a demand to larn. Such

every bit approach has been described as 'trouble solving', 'stuparing-centered learning',

'participative learning', and then on.

The problem with this approach is to ensure thursdayat important areas of learning are not

omitted and that the 'right' residue is struck between these areas, and that each surface area is

learned as finer as possible.

Teaching methods which allow this second arroyo to be implemented include:

project work derived from students' current experiences;

discussions which allow students to recognize and consolidate what the

experience hasouthward taught them, and also lead them to identify what else they need to

acquire and practice;


the learning of specific trouble-solving techniques which tin be applied to a

range of situations;

activities designed to provide opportunities for specific learning outcomes.

Such a list of teaching approaches identifies a second problem associated with the

approach; that of (over) concentrating upon the activities – the practical work which

tends to be more eastnjoyable, and neglecting to recognize the possible learning that can

accumulate from such activities.


The paper gives insight into a few concepts of teaching and learning, especially at the

college levels of education. Many countries make it mandatory for teachers to undergo

formal course on didactics principles where the concepts of instruction and learning are

taught. However, this exposure to teachers is non-existent for professional person teachers who

enter into teaching profession without any exposure to formal training in education. This

sometimes may act as a constraint in the process of effective education and learning



1. T.V. Rao, Man Resources Development - Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 1998.

2. Ian Reece and Stephen Walker, Pedagogy, Training and Learning - Business organization

Instruction Publishers, 1997.

three. Dave R.H., Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives - Educational Innovators

Press, 1975.

... Good teachers nurture their knowledge and skills through dedication and deliberate efforts and the demand to understand the didactics learning process is essential. This facilitates amend appreciation of the pedagogy profession equally well as the procedure of imparting knowledge unto students (Sequeira, 2012). The most of import aspects of the educational process are the students and the content of what they learn. ...

... Traditionally the function of the teacher has been as a source of information, the teacher viewed as the fountain of knowledge. These students sit down before the teacher who is disseminating information with the aid of a board, while the students listen passively (Sequeira, 2012). Things are changing very quickly in the 21 st century. ...

... All of the students might well be at the same place, different stages in their learning and in result, the learning is personalized to suit individual requirements. The instructor has a dual function, as a learner and an skillful, every bit he guides (Sequeira, 2012). ...

The written report investigates the Federal Academy of Wukari lecturers' performance expectancy and effort expectancy influence in teaching using two constructs of UTAUT. Two research questions were raised and two hypotheses were formulated. A survey method was employed for the study. A mixed methods research approach involving concurrent quantitative and qualitative data drove techniques was utilised. Elementary random sampling technique was used to select 233 lecturers. Information were obtained using a structured questionnaire and interview schedules. Instruments were validated by an expert of information science, and reliability was tested using Cronbach Blastoff, on 25 lecturers from the Taraba Land University, Jalingo with performance expectancy and effort expectancy having 0.861 and 0.864 coefficient respectively. Collected data from the questionnaire were analysed using frequency distribution and Pearson Product Moment correlation, while interview responses were transcribed and analysed thematically. Findings revealed that performance expectancy and effort expectancy positively influence the use of ICT for teaching amid the lecturers. Based on the findings, recommendations were proffered.

... Learning is internal to learners. You lot cannot motivate others if you are not cocky-motivated [one]. The process of education-learning aims at the transmission of noesis, imparting skills, and germination of attitudes, values and behaviour. ...

... The process of didactics-learning aims at the transmission of knowledge, imparting skills, and germination of attitudes, values and behaviour. The teaching and learning is combined processes where an teacher assesses learning needs, establishes specific learning objectives, develops teaching and learning policies, implements program of work and evaluates the outcomes of the educational activity [ane]. ...

... In China, the students' credence to questioning educational activity style and indoctrination teaching mode is lacking data. Indoctrination education mode is defined as a instructor centered pedagogy model [1]. in this paper, whereas questioning teaching style is a method of education that provide learning opportunities for students think critically and deliberate with their groups [2]. ...

... The role of the mod innovative instructor is to identify the dull learners and where individual attention of the teacher may be required in order to avoid "judging a fish by how fast information technology climbs a three". Thus, effective learning according to (Sequeira, 2012), is to a great extent based on experience and are student centered and participation in problem solving. ...

  • Samuel Lumor Samuel Lumor

This study sought to investigate factors that influence pupils' academic operation in selected junior high schools in Kpong in Eastern Region of Ghana. The consequent lack of candidates scoring aggregate 06 at the Basic Education Certificate Examination at the Junior High Schools in the Kpong from 2015 to 2018 is an indicator that stakeholders investing resources into these schools obtaining the values for their investments. The research design used was mixed research approach as such focused on collecting, analysing, and mixing both quantitative and qualitative information that provided better understanding of the research problems. Population consisted of students in JHS i to 3 from Our Lady of Fatima Junior High School, Brains International Junior High School, Kpong Presbyterian Junior High School and Kpong Evangelical Presbyterian Junior Loftier Schools and teachers. Data collection instrument was questionnaire and interview. In 2018, 25 students from Our Lady of Fatima JHS, obtained aggregates betwixt 07-fifteen, starting with amass 08. Our Lady of Fatima JHS student was the highest performing schoolhouse at Kpong every bit no candidate obtained above Aggregate 30 from 2015 to 2018. Among the remaining schools, namely, Kpong EP Junior High, Kpong Presbyterian Juniors High and Brains International Junior High, 216 students performed poorly obtaining aggregate 37 and higher up from 2015 to 2018. This research postulates in resonance with available literature backed by information that, parental level of education, income condition, involvement in education of child has a bearing on students' bookish functioning. Therefore, the report recommends that stakeholders and school managers would invest in researches that will seek out appropriate innovative strategies to enhance the academic performance of students in BECE in inferior high schools in Kpong.

  • Uriri Chika Uriri Chika

This paper examined quality assurance techniques on teaching and learning in secondary schools in Nigeria: The Rivers Land experience. The enquiry study discussed quality assurance techniques, teaching and learning. Furthermore, the concept of quality assurance techniques on teaching and learning in secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria was addressed. Moreso, the various techniques for quality balls were explained, the roles of school administrators given, how school administrators can ensure constructive quality assurance in schools were enumerated, the importance of quality assurance in schools in Rivers State were also stated as well as the factors that inhibits quality balls in secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Information technology was concluded that collaboration amidst all stakeholders in the business of quality balls practices to ensure the right results. The paper therefore recommended that developed quality assurance policies be properly enforced, synergy be encouraged among monitoring agencies for effectiveness, teachers are to do their bid to ensure quality balls in the classroom, school administrators should follow up the teachers to ensure guidelines are being followed and that didactics stakeholders should partner with the government for effectiveness and efficiency in the entire procedure. Introduction Human beings as rational beings have a deep desire and liking for anything quality, say quality life, business firm, cloth, cars, education, and the listing is inexhaustible. Fasai (2006) sees quality equally degree of excellence or level of value in a product. Middlehurst (2007) perceived quality as class of achievement, a standard against which to judge others. Information technology was maintained that information technology is non only a characteristic of a finished product or services but involves a focus on internal processes and output and include the reduction of waste and the improvement or productivity. Taking a cue from the above definitions, Fadokun (2005) characterized quality by three interrelated and interdependent strands; Efficiency in the meeting of its goals, Relevance to man and environmental conditions and needs and Something more that is, the exploration of new ideas, the pursuit of excellence and encouragement of inventiveness.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undeniably become a part of our routine lives with a significant contribution to every infinite. Education is one such aspect where AI has made an impact. Although it is withal in the nascent stage, information technology will presently evolve into much more than, due to its vast untapped potential. This affiliate aims to examine the present insights and time to come AI perspectives apropos various contexts. Some of these are Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL). Social Network Analysis (SNA) is used every bit a reference guide for interpreting the main topics in the research of AI from an educational point of view.

Every bit organizations are operating in a turbulent environs, it is essential for them to change the existing practices and policies. Currently, the aviation sector in Sri Lanka needs to acclimatize to survive in their surround. Thus, this study aims to identify the impact of self-sensation and self-management on organizational commitment to change. Moreover, the study aims to examine the boundary conditions of the proposed relationship past examining the moderating effect of environmental dynamism, which received less attention in the extant literature. Researchers adopted postal service-positivism inquiry philosophy, and the approach is deductive. Data were nerveless using a self-administrated questionnaire from 330 front-line employees in the aviation manufacture in Sri Lanka. PLS-SEM model was adopted to clarify the data, and the violating assumptions were tested. The results showed that self-awareness and cocky-direction are positive and significant influences on organizational commitment to alter, and environmental dynamism moderate these relationships. The fundamental implication of this study is managing any critical times past inspiring their level of self-awareness and management to change the mindset of staff to cope with the organization change to heighten the commitment. The findings of the study are beneficial for potential aviation-related academies and practitioners.

This study investigated the availability and utilization of Digital Technologies (DT) in didactics and learning of Economics at the Academy of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State. The study employed a descriptive survey enquiry design. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 245 students out of a study population of 806 undergraduate Economics students, and 12 lecturers out of 49 Economics lecturers in the Section of Economics, University of Nigeria. A questionnaire titled Availability and Utilization of Digital Technology (QAUDT) was used for Data drove. The instrument was validated appropriately, trial tested, and subjected to Cronbach Alpha reliability with an overall reliability coefficient of 0.871. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study showed that DTs are moderately available, but well utilized in the teaching and learning of Economics in UNN. However, major challenges including the high cost of internet data and software, low internet bandwidth, and epileptic power supply, were the major challenges hindering the constructive utilization of DTs in the educational activity and learning of Economics in UNN. The researchers recommended the provisions of affordable cyberspace data, acceptable bandwidth, and regular power for effective teaching and learning of Economics.

  • R. Botha
  • Ida-Keshia Sebelego Ida-Keshia Sebelego

Introduction Interprofessional education (IPE) takes place when representatives of at least ii professions work and learn together, virtually and from each other to provide optimal healthcare. For the successful implementation of an IPE program, conceptualisation, planning, and operationalisation and coordination among the various professions is crucial, to assist students to obtain the desired competencies of such a programme. The purpose is to investigate if a structured IPE programme assisted radiography students to achieve competencies. Methods An online questionnaire was compiled from literature and completed by radiography students who participated in a structured, three-calendar week-long IPE programme. The questionnaire was mainly quantitative (using a Likert scale), though it also consisted of qualitative elements (open-ended questions). A Fischer'south Exact test was used to compare the responses of three different year groups. Results Feedback from the radiography students (n=63) indicated that they accomplished this IPE plan's specific competencies: role description, interprofessional communication, teamwork, person-centered intendance and values and ethics. There was good correlation between the feedback from all three year groups. The feedback on the open up-ended questions correlated with the quantitative feedback, though some students felt excluded, equally there was piffling reference to their detail profession in the simulation session of the IPE plan. Conclusion The results of the study indicate that radiography students achieved the prescribed competencies of a structured IPE plan. The results provide insight into means to improve the IPE programme. A recommendation emanating from the results of this study is that, to meliorate the feel of all healthcare professions students, structured IPE programmes take to promote inclusive teaching and learning. Implications for do Radiography students that participate in a structured IPE plan develop competencies necessary for constructive collaborative clinical practice.

  • Talam V Rao Talam V Rao

Presents a number of manufactures on diverse aspects of Human Resources Development.

  • Ian Reece
  • Stephen Walker

Ian Reece and Stephen Walker, Teaching, Preparation and Learning-Business Education Publishers, 1997.

Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives

  • R H Dave

Dave R.H., Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives -Educational Innovators Press, 1975.

Teaching, Training and Learning -Business Education Publishers

  • Ian Reece
  • Stephen Walker

Ian Reece and Stephen Walker, Teaching, Preparation and Learning -Business Education Publishers, 1997.